beTravelwise develops safety programme for LGBT travellers – Buying Business Travel Article

20 Dec 2016

Original Article in Buying Business Travel by Tom Newcombe beTravelwise has developed a travel safety programme to help mitigate the dangers faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) travellers. The travel safety specialists said LGBT travellers often face a “myriad of legal and safety issues” when visiting certain countries. There are 75 worldwide that enforce […]

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9 Avoidable Travel Nightmares you will probably never admit to…

06 Jul 2016

Immune from travel nightmares? Whether you are a seasoned road warrior or a first time traveler, complacence or ignorance of some basic preparations can quickly result in a trip from hell. Some of these scenarios may be extreme but can you say none of these issues have ever happened to you? 1. Double Checking Your Passport. You arrive at […]

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Rio 2016 Olympic Games – 6 quick travel safety tips

16 May 2016

Congratulations, you are lucky enough to have genuine tickets for the Olympics and have confirmed travel arrangements. You are due to see your doctor for a pre-travel health check and unless you are pregnant they will more than likely tell you not to concern yourself with the Zika virus and will be jealous not to […]

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Top 9 causes of non-natural deaths abroad

26 Apr 2016

Any experienced travel or security manager will know the probability of dying abroad is far less than that of in your home country – however, in light of recent terror attacks and earthquake incidents it is good to be reminded of the more probable risks abroad in order to prepare your travellers effectively. A traveller should […]

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Do taxis cause the biggest stress for travellers abroad?

13 Apr 2016

For those who have travelled extensively (and in particular to developing countries), at some stage you have probably been hassled by a taxi driver at airport arrivals and at worst experienced the indignity of being overcharged. Therefore, should an organisation allow their employees to take taxis on arriving at an airport? Should this be against policy especially […]

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Travel Risk Policy – 6 considerations for Business Travel Managers

04 Apr 2016

Travel Risk Policy 6 Considerations: Most conventional travel policies focus purely on cost – justifiably this should be a major control factor on how employees book and conduct travel. However, a good policy should allow travellers flexibility in how they travel when going to higher risk destinations – absence of such direction and awareness can […]

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Kidnapping and Business Travellers – keeping it simple

23 Mar 2016

Managing kidnap risk is a specialist field and exposed organisations will likely have arrangements at the strategic level with bespoke insurance and security companies to address this concern. Whilst business travellers should not necessary know about these arrangements, awareness training should still be a key aspect of risk management. The approach should be unalarming, realistic and pitched for the business […]

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Countries that are prone to earthquakes – do you know what to do if one strikes?

17 Mar 2016

Earthquakes are not predictable but there are some parts of the world where they are more likely to occur. Earthquakes can happen globally but mainly occur along the lines where the earth’s major plates meet. The red areas above indicate elevated areas of risk for earthquakes. Please see below specialist sites for the latest information on earthquake […]

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10 Interesting (or maybe random) Travel Safety Statistics

09 Mar 2016

When considering any policy or procedure in relation to business travel it is important to put risk into perspective and not let the press misguide decisions. The following are a few statistics which might be of interest to people who work within the business travel industry.

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Considerations for employers and LGBT business travellers

16 Feb 2016

Laws and attitudes towards LGBT travellers around the world can vary greatly from those in your home country. Research and preparation will significantly reduce the chance of running into problems. In certain destinations, LGBT travellers are more likely to suffer from various forms of discrimination by members of the public, law enforcement agencies and even […]

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