What to do if planning a trip to a Zika-affected country
With the concern of the Zika virus on the increase, organisations need to be proactive to ensure they are providing the best advice and information to their exposed travellers and this process has been recorded. As with all good pre-trip planning, travellers should visit their doctor to discuss the relative threat of the Zika virus at their destination – this is particularly important for pregnant women. As no vaccine exists to prevent Zika virus disease, notwithstanding avoiding travel the best defence is bite prevention as outlined below. To stay up to date with the latest information and alerts visit the CDC’s dedicated Zita virus site. The WHO has (1st Feb 2016) declared the virus a global emergency and we await firm evidence of the significance of the effect of infection. There are uncertainties but it is clear that pregnant travellers in particular need careful consideration.
Insect Bite Prevention

Bite prevention
Bite prevention is essential – you need to be made aware of the best practice methods and try to be disciplined in applying these in a daily routine.
The following clip outlines bite prevention with Malaria in mind, malarial mosquitoes are more active between dust to dawn whereas mosquitoes that spread Zika virus bite mostly during the daytime – for a best practice approach travellers should employ a 24/7 bite prevention routine.
29th January 2016