Page 12 - Best Practice in Travel Risk Management 2019 - Forum Findings
P. 12

The Future of Travel Risk Forum by beTravelwise
The way that people travel and the risks involved change every month due to advances in technology, both software and hardware.
This both helps and hinders TRM planning, Sophie Harwood, beTravelwise’s Women
Traveller Advisor, says.
On one hand, 80% of the population have at least one social media account. On the other, many are reluctant to share their data with their organisations while on business travel.
The widespread availability of mobile phone and GPS coverage gives organisations the potential to track their travellers almost everywhere
they can go. But increasingly the question
from travellers is when do they get to switch tracking off.
Back in 2008, TV coverage of the Mumbai terror attacks was beamed live worldwide.
But companies whose executives were in the Taj hotel had no way of knowing whether they were safe and no ability to organise a response team on the ground.
Today, many large organisations can track their travellers around the world and contact them promptly when there is an incident and advise them what to do.

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